November 14, 2012
Windows 8: Seeking Mobile Companionship
By DineEngine

While the world of mobile devices keeps turning (rather quickly, I might add), someone has been left out of the party, at least for the most part.  When the first iPhone came out back in 2007, iOS had staked its claim as a premiere mobile operating system. Soon after, Android would also validate itself as worthy competition, capturing a pretty hefty portion of the mobile marketplace and ultimately capturing a 48.5% of the mobile market, leaving Apple with a respectable 32%.  So where did this leave Microsoft?

For decades, Microsoft was so massive and in every pocket of computer development that they were thought to be a modern tech monopoly.  Not much has changed. Yes, Apple’s resurgence has certainly caused the “monopoly” label to fall by the wayside, however Microsoft still maintains its top industry status with approximately $70 billion in annual revenues. Despite this continued financial success, Microsoft finds itself with one big problem: only 4.1% of the smartphone marketplace.  This October 26th, Microsoft plans on changing that, but does it have the firepower? Here are some of the notable features that might give Windows 8 a fighting chance to claw its way back into the limelight:

1. Better Resolution, Enhanced Multitasking, and Greater Memory

The addition of Micro SD cards is not the only thing generating some buzz, Windows 8 features 3 new resolutions (800 x 480, 1280 x 768 and 1280 x 720) which should yield some pretty stunning displays. The multitasking abilities have also been kicked up a notch to let you do more of what you want to do – simultaneously.

2.Faster Browser

Tired of waiting forever to get from ‘point A’ to ‘point B’? A lightning speed browser should help to pick up the pace

3. Multi-Processing Support

The days where even dual core support did not exist are now in the past.  Windows 8 will cover all of your dual core and even quad core processing needs.

4. Better Apps Experience

Cleaner, better resolution, and more streamlined – Windows 8 offers the kind of apps you expect from your mobile OS.

5. Skype, NFC, Wallet Hub, and VOIP

Some VERY handy features that puts Windows 8 ahead of iOS5 when it comes to NFC – a feature all devices must have.

Whether or not this is the step that finally gives Microsoft the extra push it needs to get into the hands of smartphone users, Windows 8 should be a welcomed improvement for smartphone users, businesses, and developers alike. We know Microsoft is capable of the level of quality we expect in the world of mobile operating systems, let’s see if this time around they can deliver.

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