September 27, 2014
Small Businesses Still Don’t Have Websites.
By DineEngine

According to a Yodle survey, 52% of small business owners still do not have a website. They are missing a huge opportunity for getting new customers. Perhaps they’re satisfied with the business they have, but there’s no guarantee that things will stay that way. It’s always better to have too much business than not enough.  Perhaps they feel that Facebook or Google+ satisfies their client’s needs.  

Over 2 billion people use the Internet. For most consumers, the web is obviously the first place they begin their search for a product or service that they need. They do this because it’s very convenient for finding the best deals, or finding businesses in the most convenient locations. If your customers love your product or service, why not spread the word about how fantastic you are?

If your business is a restaurant and you have relied on foot traffic by your door or perhaps from local businesses nearby, you are missing out on business from the car traffic in your vicinity. Drivers often use their smart devices to zero in on the closest eatery when they’re feeling hungry. The same is true of people who are new to your area.

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A website can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. It can be anything from a one page menu with your address and contact information, to an e-commerce site with extensive menus from which people can order food deliveries.  Restaurants can provide a branded experience that will set them apart from their competitors.  Building brand legitimacy it what’s it’s truly all about.  Professionalism that sets them apart.

Having a website makes it possible to be listed by the search engines. When your website ranks at the top of them, you will know it because you will see a big pickup in your business. A website is more than just an online billboard. It is an asset that allows you to communicate with people interested in your products and services. You can take surveys, create a newsletter, make announcements, publish photos and videos about what you do, set up an affiliate program so that other websites can refer traffic to your site, and increase your brand awareness. A website levels the playing field with other businesses, big and small.

Looking for website professionals to build your website? Whatever your requirements are, we can help. Contact us for more information.

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