June 23, 2014
Columbus Mobile Development Tips: Going Local.
By DineEngine
Columbus Mobile Development

It’s an app world. The apps analytics firm Flurry, which tracked 300,000 apps on more than a billion mobile devices, found that when American consumers use their mobile devices, they spend only 20% of their time on the Internet and 80% of their time using apps.

For a business, this is a great opportunity for exposure. But before you can benefit from this, you will have to develop an app that engages these people. For those in Ohio, use the following Columbus mobile development tips to get started.

Know Your Customer

If the purpose is to bring in more customers, then your app must focus around them. Their interests, gender, problems, age, and spending habits are some of the statistics a business owner should know. Although most businesses have good knowledge about their customers, some don’t put that knowledge to use when they develop an app.

It Should be Useful And Solve a Problem

People only use and keep things that are useful. As long as people are using your app, your business gets exposure. If the app is especially useful, it will be shared with friends and thus increase your exposure further.

It Should Offer Deals

Offering deals, coupons, discounts, special offers, and exclusive opportunities are a great way to generate more sales, engage your customers, and increase their loyalty. Use your app to spread the word.

Have a Direction Finder

Make it easy for your customer to find you. Provide your address and a directions feature in your app. One way to do this is to add Google maps to your application.

Work With an App Developer Who Is Local to Your Area

A developer based in Columbus Ohio knows the city and understands its people. He has a better understanding of your business environment than a developer half way around the world. An app that relates to your customers has the best chance for success and a developer with insights about your locality is a great asset.

Because a local developer is close by, more modes of communication are possible including face to face meetings. When communication is flexible, app development times are reduced.

Contact us if you have questions or are looking for an experienced professional to develop your app.

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